Personal Development Course - 1
A holistic package designed to transform one’s life to have excellent physical and mental health as well as enjoy clarity and improved perception.

Personal Development Course - 1
A holistic package designed to transform one’s life to have excellent physical and mental health as well as enjoy clarity and improved perception.

Initiation into Kayasiddhi Yoga (Ancient Siddha Practice)

Initiation into Ajna Chakra Meditation

Initiation into Sahasrara Chakra Meditation

Simple Yogasanas

Wisdom To Gain Clarity And Perception
This course offers powerful initiations into Ajna chakra and Sahasrara chakra. With sincere practice, the aspirant would be able to tap into their own life force and unlock innumerable benefits enabling them to transform themselves. The aspirant would also be taught a technique to control the flow of kundalini energy in their body.
Aspirants are also initiated into Kayasiddhi Yoga which is an ancient siddha practice that offers countless benefits including slowing down aging, developing exceptional mental capabilities and increasing biomagnetic energy.
In addition, aspirants are introduced to the yogasanas that were designed by paramaguru Siddha Yogi Vethathiri Maharshi. These exercises not only strengthen the physical body but also regulate all the body functions, improve immunity and eradicate karmic imprints. Added bonus is they are simple enough to be practiced by anyone irrespective of age and takes only ~30 minutes.
In addition, the course offers deeper insight into several areas that also help improve perception:
Karma Siddhantam
Functioning behind the occurance of reaction to our every action in the universe.
Nature and Functioning of the Divine
Answers your questions on "Does God exist?", "Can we see Him?", "Who is He exactly?".
Attract positive energy and improve your relationships by learning about Blessings technique.
Control of Temperaments
Such as anger, jealousy and attachment: A person is often a victim of his own temperaments. When you learn to control them, you will begin to enjoy better mental health and quality of your relationship with others.
Analysis of Thoughts
Overthinking is one of the major factors of stress these days. This course not only helps one to control thoughts but also guides to change their thought process to have a happy and successful life.

Simple and easy to follow

No strict rules apply

Minimum age 14 years

Online - 7 days (2 hours/ day)

In-person at Ashram - 3 days (Fri - Sun)