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The mission of Siva Siddhi Kundalini Yoga Foundation is to promote the Divine knowledge and Kundalini meditation practices which help one successfully lead a worldly life as well as achieve the ultimate human goal “mukthi” (liberation). Your contribution will support the organization’s efforts to spread this Divine knowlege to everyone in need of it.
Siddha Vidya Peettham ashram was established to provide a suitable sadhana environment for yoga practitioners. The ashram also holds Nageswara Maharshi’s sacred Samadhi now. The ashram will be a center of Consciousness and Sanathana Dharma for future generations.

The construction projects within the ashram are underway. Support creating this powerful space for future generations!


Installation of required facilities, Expansion of Accommodation facilities, Kitchen and Dining Hall.

Ashram Maintenance

For day-to-day maintenance work at the ashram.


Donate towards maintenance of cows at the ashram.

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