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Advanced Meditation Programs

Advanced Meditation Programs

These are designed to help you further your inward journey and understand nuances of life, divine law and evolutionary process.

Advanced Meditation Programs

These are designed to help you further your inward journey and understand nuances of life, divine law and evolutionary process.

Personal Development Course - 2

This course takes the aspirant to the next level of self-discovery. The aspirant is provided with deeper understanding of the Divine, how to merge with the Divine and insight into consciousness and evolutionary process. They would also be introduced to a practice that would help minimize any negative effects from planets.

Advanced Meditations

Learn about Consciousness

Increase Aura

Learn about Philosophy of Life

Personal Development Course - 3

This course builds on PDC-2 and introduces the aspirant to techniques to further strengthen their aura and remove karmic imprints. Aspirant is guided to meditate on all the chakras. The course helps the aspirant to progress spiritually and enable them to become one with the Divine.

Spiritual Development Course - 4

This course expands on PDC-3, offers more advanced techniques to the aspirant to increase their life energy and enable them to unite with the Divine. The course provides deeper insight into the evolutionary process, divine qualities and the tie between sex and spirituality amongst other helpful topics for the aspirant to improve perception.

Brahma Gnanam Course

“Brahma” is God and “Gnanam” is Knowledge. This course is the ultimatum of all the previous courses, making the aspirant equipped with everything they need to learn about the Divine.

This course expands further on the Divine, His functioning in the universe, power of life energy and introduces the aspirant to a number of intense practices that help them attain self-realization (or moksha).

Simple and easy to follow

No strict rules apply

Minimum age 14 years

In Person

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